New website, new branding, new products

New website, new branding, new products

2 minute read

So I've been at it again. I've changed everything all at once. I don't know why I do it, but I do, and I think I just have to accept that this is how I work 😂

At first I felt bad for changing it all again, I thought it made me look unprofessional and indecisive (which would not be incorrect 👀), but after some thinking, I realised the best thing about being a small business is doing what I want, when I want. I can just draw myself a new logo and put it out into the world because I fancy a new look, I can design a new mug on Monday morning and be selling it Monday afternoon (can you imagine me ever being that proactive though?!) 😂

So, I went for it, and I’m so happy I did. I really love it and I feel like it fits where I am in my business right now. My old branding will still be around on some stuff for a while because I buy things like stickers in bulk and I don't want to just throw them away, but I'll be changing everything over as I run out of things.

I've also got a new website. It's not drastically different, but I've had my current one for a little while and I've learned over that time which bits work and which bits don't, so it was time to change it and update it. There might be some little tweaks that I've missed, so if you see anything, please let me know! 

The last things is new products!  I'm really excited about these because they make me feel like a proper stationery shop. I've designed washi tape and sticky notes! All the sticky paper goods 😂

There are three sticky note designs, and six washi tapes. There's a mix of my usual typography style , but I also played about with some patterns. I've never really tried designing patterns, but I really loved making them, and I already have plans for more! ​I hope you love them! 💖  


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